- Medicaid Patients Could Face Higher Fees Under a Proposed Federal Policy
- Medicaid Expansion Is Delicate Maneuver for Arizona Governor
- Obama Approves Health Insurance Marketplaces in 6 States
- What Medicaid cuts might look like
- Raising Medicare’s Eligibility Age Would Cost Patients Twice As Much as It Would Save Government
- Slashing physicians’ Medicare payments raises the price of care
- Automatic 2% Medicare Cut Will Cost 767,000 Jobs, Study Says
- As Medicare Fraud Evolves, Vigilance Is Required
- Study of U.S. Health Care System Finds Both Waste and Opportunity to Improve
- New Medical Care Networks Show Savings
Why Medicare Cards Still Show Social Security Numbers
Images of a woman waving her Medicare card on television at the Democratic convention last week in Charlotte, N.C., prompted the folks at Credit.com and others to ask: Why do Medicare cards still have Social Security numbers on them anyway, when …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Romney-Ryan Medicare Plan Would Cost 29-Year-Olds $331,200: Report
If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have their way, then Americans of all ages may be spending more on health care during their retirement. If Romney becomes president and repeals the Affordable Care Act as promised, then retirement would cost $11,100 …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Cutting Medicare and Medicaid hurts economy, lacks compassion
Staff Report Medicare and Medicaid should not be sacrificed to serve the deficit reduction objectives of Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan,” said Louis Tharp, healthcare advocate and executive director of the Global Healthy Living Foundation. “The cuts would shift …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Patients Would Pay More if Romney Restores Medicare Savings, Analysts Say
Mitt Romney’s promise to restore $716 billion that he says President Obama “robbed” from Medicare has some health care experts puzzled, and not just because his running mate, Representative Paul D. Ryan, included the same savings in his House budgets. The 2010 healthcare law cut Medicare …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Truth and Lies About Medicare
Republican attacks on President Obama’s plans for Medicare are growing more heated and inaccurate by the day. Both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan made statements last week implying that the Affordable Care Act would eviscerate Medicare when in fact the …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Romney’s Medicare Madness Explained in 143 Seconds
Mitt Romney held a surprise press conference and, even more surprisingly, busted out a white board and attempted to explain his tortured position on Medicare. ThinkProgress’ Igor Volsky whips out his own white board to break things down. Read the …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Undoing Obama Medicare Savings May Backfire On Romney
GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s new promise to restore the Medicare cuts made by President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law could backfire if he’s elected. The reason: Obama’s cuts also extended the life of Medicare’s giant trust fund. By …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Medicare Cuts 101
Having picked the architect of the Republican plan to end Medicare as we know it as his running mate, Mitt Romney and his “I am rubber, you’re glue” campaign is now trying to paint President Obama as the real threat …
Posted in Medicare In the News
New Romney Plan: Make Medicare Insolvent by 2016
In an attempt to get out from under one problem, Mitt Romney has only succeeded in making things worse by admitting that he’ll let the Medicare trust fund run dry in just four years. Any way you slice it, Mitt …
Posted in Medicare In the News
How Mitt Romney Would Quickly Bankrupt Medicare
Despite endorsing Paul Ryan’s proposal to maintain Obamacare’s $716 billion in Medicare cuts and reduce overall Medicare spending from 7 percent of GDP to 3.5 percent by 2023, Mitt Romney has announced that he would restore the ACA’s reductions — and …
Posted in Medicare In the News