- Medicaid Patients Could Face Higher Fees Under a Proposed Federal Policy
- Medicaid Expansion Is Delicate Maneuver for Arizona Governor
- Obama Approves Health Insurance Marketplaces in 6 States
- What Medicaid cuts might look like
- Raising Medicare’s Eligibility Age Would Cost Patients Twice As Much as It Would Save Government
- Slashing physicians’ Medicare payments raises the price of care
- Automatic 2% Medicare Cut Will Cost 767,000 Jobs, Study Says
- As Medicare Fraud Evolves, Vigilance Is Required
- Study of U.S. Health Care System Finds Both Waste and Opportunity to Improve
- New Medical Care Networks Show Savings
President Obama Rips Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan In Iowa
President Obama lit into his Republican rivals over Medicare on Wednesday, repeating the charge that Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan “ends Medicare as we know it.” “I think they know their plan is not very popular,” Obama said. “You can tell …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Two-Way Jabs on Medicare Recast Races for Congress
In one tight Florida House race, a hastily assembled TV commercial to begin airing Wednesday takes aim at a top target of Democrats, highlighting his votes “to end Medicare as we know it.” Republicans in Montana are advertising on behalf …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Romney Claims Obama ‘Robbed Medicare’ To Distract From GOP Plan To End Medicare
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are turning the GOP’s greatest political liability — a proposal to drastically restructure Medicare for seniors — into a sharp attack against President Obama, despite Republican efforts to cut more than a trillion from the …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Medicare Rises as Prime Election Issue
With Mitt Romney’s selection of Representative Paul D. Ryan as his running mate, Florida quickly emerged on Monday as a critical test of the nationwide Republican gamble that concerns over the mounting federal debt can blunt potent Democratic attacks on conservative proposals to …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Paul Ryan’s Original Medicare Plan Ends Medicare, Period
In April of 2011, after Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan had been House Budget Chair for only a few months, he convinced nearly the entire House GOP caucus to vote for a laissez-faire budget resolution that would slash education, raise taxes on the …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Paul Ryan Family Set to Financially Benefit from Private Health Insurance Industry
Ryan touts a Medicare plan that would expand the role of private insurers by replacing the traditional Medicare plan with a voucher program that seniors could use to purchase private health plans. Paul Ryan’s wife, Janna, has previously worked as a lobbyist …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Did the Court Undermine the Medicaid Expansion?
The Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act raises the possibility that multiple states will turn down the deal, leaving millions of their poorest residents without insurance. If you look at the state officials who challenged the law in …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Supreme Court upholds Affordable Care Act
The White House: The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act ensures hard-working, middle class families will get the security they deserve and protects every American from the worst insurance company abuses. WATCH PRESIDENT OBAMA’S REMARKS on whitehouse.gov …
Posted in Medicare In the News
14 million seniors already benefiting from Obamacare
Medicare reports that 14.3 million seniors in America have already received important preventive benefits under President Obama’s health care law. In the first few months of 2012, seniors were able to take advantage of a number of preventative health services, …
Posted in Medicare In the News
GOP Puts Medicaid Payments On The Table In Student Loan Plan Debate
In an effort to pay for an extension of current student loan interest rates, Republicans leaders targeted Medicaid payments to states as a way to bridge the impasse. READ SUMMARY ON kaiserhealthnews.org Share
Posted in Medicare In the News