- Medicaid Patients Could Face Higher Fees Under a Proposed Federal Policy
- Medicaid Expansion Is Delicate Maneuver for Arizona Governor
- Obama Approves Health Insurance Marketplaces in 6 States
- What Medicaid cuts might look like
- Raising Medicare’s Eligibility Age Would Cost Patients Twice As Much as It Would Save Government
- Slashing physicians’ Medicare payments raises the price of care
- Automatic 2% Medicare Cut Will Cost 767,000 Jobs, Study Says
- As Medicare Fraud Evolves, Vigilance Is Required
- Study of U.S. Health Care System Finds Both Waste and Opportunity to Improve
- New Medical Care Networks Show Savings
HHS finalizes new rules to cut regulations for hospitals and healthcare providers, saving more than $5 billion
Today, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced significant steps to reduce unnecessary, obsolete, or burdensome regulations on American hospitals and healthcare providers. These steps will help achieve the key goal of President Obama’s regulatory reform initiative to …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Romney Medicare Plan Draws a Stark Contrast
President Obama and Mitt Romney agree on one thing about Medicare: the differences between them are huge. There is a curious paradox: Republicans object to exchanges in the Affordable Care Act and favor them in Medicare, while Democrats take the …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Health care law increases Medicaid payments to doctors for primary care
Primary care physicians serving Medicaid patients would see their Medicaid payments rise under a proposed rule announced today by Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. READ ARTICLE ON hhs.gov Share
Posted in Medicare In the News
Medicare Fraud Strike Force charges 107 individuals for approximately $452 million in false billing
Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that a nationwide takedown by Medicare Fraud Strike Force operations in seven cities has resulted in charges against 107 individuals, including doctors, nurses and other …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Medicare Fraud Crackdown: 100 Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers Charged In Historic Bust
Federal authorities charged 107 doctors, nurses and social workers in seven cities with Medicare fraud Wednesday in a nationwide crackdown on unrelated scams that allegedly billed the taxpayer-funded program of $452 million – the highest dollar amount in a single …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Insurers Alter Cost Formula, and Patients Pay More
Despite a landmark settlement that was expected to increase coverage for out-of-network care, the nation’s largest health insurers have been switching to a new payment method that in most cases significantly increases the cost to patients. READ ARTICLE ON nytimes.com …
Posted in Medicare In the News
House Votes to Scrap Medicare Payment Board
The House of Representatives has voted 223-181 to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) for Medicare, and to restrict medical malpractice lawsuits. The measure is known as H.R. 5, the Protecting Access to Healthcare Act, and is sponsored by …
Posted in Medicare In the News
Medicare Chief Warns Paul Ryan’s Voucher Plan Will Shift Costs To Seniors
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) launched a pre-emptive strike against the GOP’s forthcoming budget during a committee hearing Tuesday morning, arguing that the Republicans’ plan to transform Medicare through “premium support” would increase costs for seniors. House Budget Committee Chairman …
Posted in Medicare In the News
IPAB Spells Gloom And Doom For Medicare
Tomorrow, the Energy and Commerce Committee will mark up legislation to repeal [the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s] Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). IPAB is a dangerous mechanism that puts the power to limit seniors treatment options and access …
Posted in Medicare In the News
IPAB repeal: Good policy and good politics
What if I told you there was a country where medical decisions were made not by doctors in consultation with their patients, but by a panel of 15 unelected bureaucrats who determine the fate of millions of Americans? You would …
Posted in Medicare In the News